Homework for the week: Transcendence and immanence: strive to be mindful this week of the ways both transcendent and immanent that God reveals Himself all days this week.
Fr. Dan – Pentecost Sunday: Spiritual transformation through the Holy Spirit.
Homework for the week: Write down the fruit of the Spirit from St. Paul: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. And at the end of each day […]
Fr. Dan – Solemnity of The Ascension of the Lord: The restoration of the Holy Spirit!
Homework for the week: Double, triple, quadruple your prayer this week beseeching Christ to pour out and renew His spiritual charisms upon you and all in this Parish for the […]
Fr. Dan – 5th Sunday of Easter: The consolation of the Holy Spirit makes us bold and disciples.
Homework for the week: In your silence and prayer this week, beg the Master to fill you with the consolation of the Holy Spirit and with the boldness to speak […]
Fr. Dan – 4th Sunday of Easter: Who Shepherds You?
Homework for the week: Take a look at your use of time this week: how much access do you give to the world and how much access do you […]
Fr. Dan – 3rd Sunday of Easter: Thinking about Jesus vs. Encountering Him.
Homework for the week: Let Jesus walk with you, beside you, everywhere you go. Think of him there, make room for him there, make room for him in your car, […]