Sunday News


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Fr. Dan – 20th Sunday In Ordinary Time: If we eat only to fill our bellies, we die.

Homework for the week: What about your current life does the divine, glorious, living flesh that you receive in the Eucharist need to transform? This week, think about what needs to change. And then, when you come to receive holy Communion, receive the divine Light that has power to change you.

Fr. Andrew – 20th Sunday In Ordinary Time

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Fr. Dan

Fr. Andrew

Fr. Dan – 19th Sunday In Ordinary Time: Listening to the Father is essential to being a Disciple


Homework for the week: which is actually homework for a month! Make a designated prayer time or times every day for 30 days. Give the heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit the time in prayer where He can truly prepare your heart for Communion with His Son. Nothing is more important than that.

Fr. Andrew – 19th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Fr. Andrew – 18th Sunday In Ordinary Time