Sunday News


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Fr. Andrew – 5th Sunday In Ordinary Time

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Fr. Dan – Feast of The Presentation of the Lord: Suddenly the Lord comes to His Temple…you!

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Homework for the week: Two things this week:

  • light a candle in honor of the light for revelation and for glory.
  • Secondly, pray the canticle of Simeon each night this week, praying that the Lord set you free from whatever slaveries still bind you.

Fr. Andrew – Feast of The Presentation of the Lord

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Fr. Dan – 3rd Sunday In Ordinary Time: The Word of God reveals and heals our hearts

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Homework for the week: Read the Word of God every day this week, morning and evening, especially one of the Gospels. And make sure you read it with a humble and repentant heart.

Fr. Andrew – 3rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

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Fr. Dan – 2nd Sunday In Ordinary Time: How to be groom and bride like Jesus and the Church

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Homework for the week: Bang on the doors of heaven this week that you can be a true groom-who sacrifices for the virtue of his bride; and a true bride, who always points to Christ. Give up on the distractions of this world, and seek the true and eternal wine of Christ’s Holy Spirit poured forth from His cross and resurrection.