Sunday News


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Fr. Dan – 8th Sunday In Ordinary Time: The fullness of my heart

Homework for the week: Lent is coming! Ask a trusted someone this week for advice regarding the fullness of your heart, the character of your speech, or any wooden beam lingering in your own eye. The divine Physician can only heal those who don’t deny their own sickness.

Fr. Andrew – 8th Sunday In Ordinary Time

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Fr. Dan – 7th Sunday In Ordinary Time: Only by the grace of God…and my complete cooperation.

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Homework for the week: Three things: invite someone to pray with you this week; talk about the faith with someone this week; and beg God for the grace to forgive and love your enemies.

Fr. Andrew – 7th Sunday In Ordinary Time

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6th Sunday In Ordinary Time – Fr. Bart Geger

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Fr. Dan – 5th Sunday In Ordinary Time: Humbled, forgiven, and called

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Homework for the week: Pray this week about how you have been or are called to be husband, wife, father, mother in the Church whether in the married or celibate vocations. And beg the help of the Holy Spirit as you call others by name.