By Fr. Dan Merz
Bishop McKnight has been our Bishop for over three years now, and has established himself as a strong proponent for accountability within the Church, for greater involvement of the laity in the leadership of the Church, and as a voice for unity in overcoming racism in our society. Less known may be his steady efforts to review and improve the various ministries of the Chancery to be more responsive to the needs of the parishes through technology upgrades, communication and service.
All of this is to say that I encourage each of us to pitch in and support him and the work being done at his direction by contributing to the Catholic Stewardship Appeal this year. Our parish has been asked to raise $69,000 and as in previous years, if we make our goal, then we will receive 10% back. Anything above our goal, we will receive 90% back. I’ve been your pastor for three months and am very grateful for your generous stewardship in time, in talent, and in treasure, especially given the pandemic. Thank you! And in anticipation of your generosity to the CSA campaign: Thank you! May the Lord who holds nothing back from us, not even His Beloved Son, fill our hearts with His charity and His peace!